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Do I need solar energy for my home?

These years, as the solar energy technology matures, the cost could be affordable. Solar energy is a renewable green energy, more and more people knows about it and use it too. May some times you are thinking, if my home could use solar energy, that would be awesome. Why not, this is a great idea to reduce your electricity bill, and you contribute to reduction of carbon emissions. But what kind of solar energy could be used for your home? Let’s explore it by following points:

1.Applications of solar energy

  • On-grid applications of photovoltaic at home

The On-Grid PV is consist of Solar panels, combiner box, solar power meter, grid-connected inverter, bi-directional meter, loads(home appliances) and grid, the sunshine would be transferred to DC power by the PV modules(solar panel), then the DC Power would be transferred to AC power by the inverter for loads or exporting to the grid.

Generally, the PV generates power to supply home loads first, the excess electricity would be export to grid. But when raining days or at night, the PV can not generate enough power or stop generating, the grid (City electricity) would supply to your home loads.

The connection for on-grid as following:

  • Off-grid appliances of solar energy

Off-grid PV is an independently generator system, no need to connect the grid. It is good for remote areas, island, and the areas where are without city electricity or lack of electricity, etc. Solar street lights(or yard lights), solar flood lights, solar water pump, solar lighting kits, off grid solar home system, are all off-grid.

Generally, a off-grid solar home system consists of solar panels, batteries, controllers and off-grid inverter. In the daytime, the system would produce power and store it to batteries, then the batteries supply to home appliances, such as TV, lights, fridge, even Air conditioner. But pls note that, because of the batteries, the off-grid cost would be higher than on-grid, and the home appliances total working power should be less than the off grid inverter rate power.

The off-grid solar home system connection as following:

2. Conditions of your home for solar energy

  • How much your bill of electricity every month for home ? As research, If your monthly electricity bill is more than 75$, you could consider the solar energy for home supplying seriously. The solar panel life could last 40years now, at the beginning you will pay some cost out, but you will save serious money from the solar energy in a long term. You even can use on-grid solar home system to make money since you sell the electricity to country grid.  
  • Your area electricity is always failure? Or there is difficult to get enough electricity? Then the off-grid solar home would help you. Solar lights for road, yard, garden. Solar home system to supply your TV, Fridge, indoor lights, Fans, air conditioner, etc. We could say, the off-grid solar home system is your home genset.
  • Do you have a private roof of your house? What kind of roof do you have ? If you have a new strong private roof, that would be nice for solar panel installation.
  • Do your roof is under shade of trees or building? Typically solar panels facing south capture more energy in the the northern hemisphere, means shading or roof angle will affect how much energy your solar panels will be able to process. The more direct sunshine your home roof receives, the more energy you can get from your solar home system.

3. How much should I pay for my home solar energy?

Do not worry, you can find an ideal solar energy products for your home. If you have a big budget of your solar energy home, you can build a off-grid or on-grid system to supply your full home. If your budget is limited, some of solar energy items could be chosen for your need. Solar Bulbs, solar Bluetooth speaker kits, solar lighting kits, solar lights, solar fridge, solar TV, solar power bank, solar heater, or a smaller solar off-grid system for part of home appliances… you can choose the solar energy for your home from $3 to $5000, depends on your demand.

4. Where should I get the solar energy for my home ?

Your local solar energy companies can help you for your home solar energy system building. Or you can check on line, this is a modern purchasing. From the description or introductions you can get some ideas for your home solar energy. But if you want a big off-grid or on-grid PV system for your home, it is better to consult a prefessional solar energy installing companies, the engineers can give you some useful suggestions after checking the scene at your home. Pls note that , the on-grid PV and off -Grid PV is electricity system, the safe is the Most Important for you. DO NOT DO ANY FIXING OR DISMOUNTING WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL GUIDE!

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